On parle de Bertrand...

Qui a dit que la fin du monde c'était pas télégénique ?

Modérateurs : Guigui le gentil, Membres de Phylactères

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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#121 Message par Guigui le gentil »

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:arrow: LE REPLAY

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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#122 Message par lokorst »

Les BG ^^

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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#123 Message par Guigui le gentil »

Le lecteur en série de comics : Chris de ComixRays lâche un petit mot sympa sur le dernier ZONE 57. Ça fait toujours plaisir ;)
:arrow: Pour découvrir la vidéo, c'est ici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruaYVUK9VWQ

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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#124 Message par Guigui le gentil »

Bertrand Keufterian dépasse les frontières :mrgreen:
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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#125 Message par Guigui le gentil »


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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#126 Message par Guigui le gentil »

On parle de nous dans le journal, la vérité n'est plus ailleurs !
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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#128 Message par Guigui le gentil »

On passe demain soir à 21h sur Mirabelle TV pour y parler de #ZONE57 et du financement participatif !!! Rediffusion le dimanche matin à 10h, le lundi à 13h et le mardi à 16h... et après sur le 'ternet :)
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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#129 Message par Guigui le gentil »

Salut tout le monde.

On est presqu'au 3/4 de notre collecte... Il ne reste que 10 jours mais on est confiant ;) Hier j'étais l'invité de France Bleu pour l'émission de midi. C'était très sympa et j'y explique tous les tenants et aboutissants de notre financement participatif et de notre BD :
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Plus d’informations sur https://www.francebleu.fr.

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Guigui le gentil
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Critique globale

#130 Message par Guigui le gentil »

wadesworld.fr a écrit :[Review] Les Aventures de Bertrand Keufterian

Depuis le temps que je devais lire ce titre, me voici lancée. J’ai découvert ce titre lors d’un festival, le premier « Made in Comics » qui se déroulait dans le Pas-de-Calais où j’ai d’ailleurs pu rencontrer le scénariste de ce comics, Carlos Rodrigo.

Ce comic book est une création bien française, plus particulièrement de la Lorraine. C’est pourquoi je vais vous en parler aujourd’hui. Une suite a d’ailleurs vu le jour sous le nom de Zone 57 mais je vous en parlerais plus tard.

Des extraterrestres ont envahi la terre mais les humains ont trouvé le moyen de les confiner dans des villes afin de pouvoir les exterminer. Des chausseurs d’Aliens voient le jour, on les appelle les « traqueurs ». Cette chasse au E.T voit un tel engouement aux yeux des gens qu’on décide d’en faire des émissions de télé-réalité avec des traqueurs en guise de star. Et c’est ainsi que Bertrand Keufterian débarque lui aussi pour devenir célèbre.

On se retrouve avec un héros maladroit malgré lui et une jeune femme assez rebelle, un duo qui fonctionne plutôt bien. Le personnage de Bertrand est assez lourdaud par moment, mais c’est ce qui fait son charme.

Implanter des aliens dans le monde actuel et, de plus, en les faisant malgré tout participer à des émissions de télé-réalité, nous montre à quel point l’humanité peut être sans jugeote et cruelle.

Pour le dessin, on y ressent la patte du dessin franco belge, mais avec une touche américaine pour les visages. Une mention spéciale au Alien avec un nouveau style entre le xénomorphe et l’alien gris qu’on connaît. Bon là, en l’occurrence, violet.

En conclusion si vous voulez lire une BD sympathique mélangeant du franco belge avec une pointe américaine, ce comics est fait pour vous encore plus si les aliens c’est votre truc.

La Caverne de Batsi.

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Administrateur Omnipotent
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#131 Message par lokorst »

Tu vois, Guigui, Carlos fait le taff quand tu n'es pas là :).

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Guigui le gentil
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Re: On parle de Bertrand...

#132 Message par Guigui le gentil »

Je n'en ai jamais douté... Je savais que tout seul il tiendrait la baraque :)

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Guigui le gentil
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Critique en anglais du premier album

#133 Message par Guigui le gentil »

By [url=https://www.tvore.com/?page=book&id=325&fbclid=IwAR0ilerW0rHedkKHVRMvPKbwEEJpG7fCFHFJBMymgiivB84M8xKbDyfz00Q]Jack Anderson[/url] on November 8, 2019 a écrit :Citizen K.

When aliens decide to pay a visit to our little planet, there is usually a shot of the White House at some point. And one thing is certain, there'll be a shot of the New York skyline. Imagine a spaceship too, hovering Manhattan.
Then, there is usually a manly hero, an expert of some sort. And thanks to his ingenuity, the world is saved. The end. Roll the credits, please.

In the Bertrand Keufterian comics saga, things are totally different. First, the aliens do not decide to go to Manhattan. They don't care about San Francisco. They choose... Metz (pronounce: mess), a small city in France. That alone is such a great choice, as I – and everyone else – am so bored with classic sci-fi stories. The location of the story alone is not only a great choice, but a courageous one. And this is the basis of our story.

The so-called hero of our story, Bertrand Keufterian, is actually more of an anti-hero. He still lives with his (over) protective mother, he keeps being confronted to his brother about the status of his life, as if he wasn't aware of that himself. I really, really liked this aspect of this story, which gives a really profound persona to the hero, who's, again, not so much of a hero. He's actually quite the opposite in the story as well, in which he kept being saved by a young lady (was I just being sexist here?), whereas he should be the one killing aliens with his special gun... which rarely works.

The story itself is odd to describe, as it is both typical and atypical at the same time. On one side, the book is quite typical by using the over-used conspiracy theories, which I keep finding less and less believable over the years, as the conspirators are usually portrayed as old males that are always right, know everything and have masterplans so masterful that you even doubt that such thing is possible, especially in today's society where everything is known by everyone and no one can keep a secret for more than a second.

2000's MEDIA
Which brings me to the media. In BK (short for Bertrand Keufterian), the media are seen as venal and corrupt, benefiting from the chaos by implementing reality TV shows about the aliens and how a group of popular alien capturers are becoming overnight celebrities. This is a key aspect of the book and while I think it is slightly immature writing, it is at least very original and resonates with our time.

But don't be scared by angry aliens, the story is very fun. I was just laughing out loud when Bertrand and his new friend Nina are hidden behind a car, only to see the car owner driving, leaving them all by themselves. This is just one of many very clever jokes from the book. Even while being attacked by aliens, the tone is not too serious and still very innocent, while have a very serious message.

Technically, the book is simply top notch. I am simply amazed by the work from Guillaume Matthias, a true professional and a true artist who made his passion a reality. Not only that, but he invited other artists to add some equally amazing sketches as well – one per each episode, which was the cover of the episodes, released individually before.

I am not an expert of comics by any stretch of the imagination. I know very little about this vibrant world. In that respect, I was simply blown away by the work of the colorists, Solynk and then Céline Labriet, which took over for most of the album and did an outstanding job. Some of the pages are simply brilliant and I was amazed by how beautiful the colors were. The colors are very bright and very... pop, which I believe makes much sense with an album that is clearly that. Pop! In the cultural and positive sense of the word. For instance, the introduction of the character of Nina is simply perfect. The colors are essential in those pages.

Overall, while the story may be immature at times, it delivers and the book itself (containing four episodes) is a real page turner! I also liked the way the mythology of the story was crafted, you see the political and financial repercussions of the alien life in the city of Metz, how the media are affected by it, etc. Co-author Carlos Rodrigo did a great job.

The creator and drawer of the Bertrand Keufterian saga Guillaume Matthias is a dear old-time friend of mine and I can only applaud him and his team (Carlos Rodrigo, Céline Labriet, Solynk) for their excellent and collective work!

I strongly recommend you reading the adventures of Bertrand Keufterian. The story is original, the dialogues are very fun and the drawings are excellent. I give it 7 out of 10. I'm hooked and cannot wait to read the next adventures of Citizen K. from Metz.

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Guigui le gentil
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Enregistré le : mer. mars 30, 2005 13:56
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Critique en anglais du 2ème album

#134 Message par Guigui le gentil »

tvore.com a écrit :BK 2

After having read the adventures from Bertrand Keufterian, I couldn't wait to read the next chapters of the saga. Like the previous book, Zone 57 is a collection of four episodes, as well as a new 10-page-long ending.

In this new chapter, Bertrand is back and is now a professional alien chaser. In a way, not only he has matured, but you can also see that the technical aspect of the book is more professional as well. There was a sense of joyful amateurism that you could see in the first book, which was actually very fun to witness. Here, everything is more elaborated, the traditional rectangles are replaced by a more complex storytelling structure. Not only that, but the story is also much more dense than in the previous book, which, in a way, was more the inception of the story, before the real fight starts.

Therefore, we start the book precisely like that, with the alien chasers in a mission broadcasted live on national television. Because of that, everything is more difficult. You cannot not show a proper alien chase when the entire first book was focused on that. This is the part that was mandatory. And boy do they deliver! In just this one book, the author Carlos Rodrigo had to not only deliver an alien chase, but also complete and resolve the story in a satisfying way, which itself is quite the tour de force.
Still, by being so ambitious, the story goes to so many directions that the authors somehow fail to capture the same slow magic from the first book. There are less real human interactions between Bertrand and the others. And there are so much things taking place, so much action, that, as a reader, I had little places to pause. You can see this as the end, it feels like a breath of fresh air to have a few drawings with almost nothing.

Sci-fi is hard. I believe there is a fine line between a down to Earth story and come-as-you-go alien mumbo jumbo. There is a particular moment in the book, soon after Bertrand meets the alien with the pink shirt, where the story goes into a full sci-fi mode. Suddenly, in only a couple of pages, Bertrand is taken by a force into the air, gets a new psychic ability, flies a spaceship with his mind, goes into Space, fights with the bad guy, and more. On top of that, you've got plenty of new characters, vampires, and more. Once again, the level of density is high in this book and I will probably have to read it a couple of more times to fully grasp the ramifications of the story, especially on the mythology side.

To me, Bertrand Keufterian had a really magic relationship with Nina. Their duo worked beautifully. Not only that, but she was such a terrific character, I was sad to see her being underutilized in Zone 57. She was one of my favorite characters and the authors decided to get rid of her for most part of the book. Obviously, there is a strong reason behind it and you'll understand when you read the book.

Still, even if I have doubts on the pure sci-fi story as well as not seeing enough of Nina, I will only remember the positive aspect of the journey, which is that you can only, once again, applaud the ambition of the team. They were not afraid to tell their story, and while I personally would have preferred to spend more time with Bertrand, without so many alien stuff, I still really had great fun and was fully taken by the story.

While I won't spoil the ending, I can just say that I simply loved the final pages of the book. As an admirer of David Lynch, this obviously reminded me of the final scene from the second season of Twin Peaks. Whether the authors decide to produce a third volume is, to me,

I give it 7 out of 10. Excellent. Once again, I don't even start to imagine how difficult and time consuming this project must have been for the authors behind the scenes. Guillaume Matthias and his team Carlos Rodrigo (screenplay and dialogue), Céline Labriet and Solynk (colors) nailed it!


Wait. I've got a declaration to make. And I must warn you... You'll probably like it very much!
There is one thing you need to do, right now. You need to leave this site and log immediately to Amazon and buy both volumes of the BK saga. You won't regret it.
Finally, I imagine that the authors, having spent so many years on BK want to do something else. But somehow, I hope, one day, that we will see the return of Bertrand. Somewhere.

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Guigui le gentil
Messages : 12542
Enregistré le : mer. mars 30, 2005 13:56
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On parle de Bertrand... sur YouTube

#135 Message par Guigui le gentil »

:arrow: Petite vidéo sympa d'une lectrice/libraire confinée : https://youtu.be/B4OgBBQzz4s
